Interface file creation 101.

Uncertainty. Pressure. A faster heart rate. These are just some of the things people feel when they have to develop a new, electronic Commercial Card interface file for a particular system (finance or other). Even if you relish the challenge, formulating a plan can take time. Through personal experience and by helping others, I have learned it is best to break down the project into manageable steps. The following offers direction on four key aspects associated with interface file development. Keep this handy for the next time you face this situation.

Four Key Aspects

  1. Determine what you need the interface file to do/accomplish.
  2. Identify the system into which the interface file will be uploaded, and the related specifications.
  3. Select the relevant card-related data to be included in the interface file.
  4. “Map” where each piece of card data belongs in the interface file, based on system specifications.

In reality, you might work on these aspects concurrently. Remember to build time into your project for file testing purposes. 

Breaking It Down 

1. What Do You Want the File to Accomplish?

What are you seeking and why? Will you need to add or modify fields in the system used for transaction reconciliation? For example, is there a piece of data you need to capture in the interface file that would need to be supplied by cardholders?

Most commonly, an interface file is needed for the finance system, but you need to decide which one—AP system or general ledger. Further, there is more than one way to approach it. For example, will the interface file serve to initiate a payment to the card issuer? Maybe; maybe not. It could depend on how often you pay the issuer, how often cardholders reconcile transactions, and/or other factors.

2. Where Will the Card Data Go?

Can the identified system (#2 above) accommodate a file upload? If so, what are the requirements and specifications? Elements to explore include: fields to be populated, field length and type (e.g., alpha, numeric, or either), any prohibited characters that could cause problems during the file upload, etc. You may need to consult with the system provider/vendor.

Also, your card issuer might be able to offer some insight if any of their other end-user clients have an interface file for the same system. 

Do not let an interface file project overwhelm you. Break it down into manageable stages.

Do not let an interface file project overwhelm you. Break it down into manageable stages.

3. What Card Data is Available?

There are three broad categories of card-related data:

  • Transaction information, such as date, amount, sales tax, and line-item detail (if available); may also include any data entered by the cardholder during reconciliation
  • Supplier information, such as name, address, and merchant category code (MCC)
  • Cardholder/card information, such as name, zip code, and account number

You likely do not need every piece of available data. Determine the information that best supports what you want to accomplish.

4. Where Does Each Piece of Card Data Belong?

The system into which you will upload the file probably does not have field names that exactly match the names of card-related data. You need to figure out what to put where.

Lastly, some data might need to be automatically added to the interface file—to satisfy certain field requirements—versus originating from the card activity. For example, the file specifications might include a field designated as “Payment Type” for which you want a constant default of “PCARD” each time the interface file is downloaded. 


For an introduction to interface files and information about finance system options, visit the Interface Files webpage. If you are seeking external expertise, contact Recharged Education to inquire about consulting services.

About the Author

Blog post author Lynn Larson, CPCP, is the founder of Recharged Education. With more than 15 years of Commercial Card experience, her mission is to make industry education readily accessible to all. Learn more

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Why some technology projects fail.

We know that people can make or break an organization’s purchase-to-pay strategies. I previously wrote two related posts about the influence of executives and staff members (see below). However, even when the right people are on board, a technology project might not turn out as expected. Following are three reasons why, tips, and specific advice for an AP automation pursuit.

Unrealistic Expectations

The trouble can begin early on when an organization thinks technology will solve all their issues, but they fail to identify the root causes of problems. As an example, AP Now’s 2016 State of Invoice Processing Survey ( reveals slow internal invoice approval is the most common ongoing invoice issue experienced by organizations. Technology is not the magic answer for this. While technology can make approvals easier to do, the slow people will probably continue to be slow unless they are held accountable to a defined timeline. 


Determine your biggest pain points and explore why they occur. Do you need a change in policies and/or procedures? Do employees need more training? To what extent will technology help resolve the problem?


Rushing to select and implement a technology solution often means that an organization fails at multiple levels during a project. You might overlook elements needed by stakeholders or the complete picture of how a process works (and where new technology is most critical). If you skip doing thorough system testing, manageable hiccups can turn into emergencies when the system goes live. 


  • Assign the project manager role to someone who is equipped with project management knowledge and skills.
  • Document existing processes, stakeholder requirements, goals, etc.
  • Address how you will resolve any conflicting requirements between stakeholders. What will take precedence?
  • Develop and follow test scripts to ensure the technology works as expected before fully implementing. 

Lack of Communication

No list of pitfalls is complete without the proverbial lack of communication. This could mean forgetting to revise relevant policies and procedures, a lack of training to system users, failing to communicate with affected suppliers, and more.


The obvious action is to turn this around by communicating effectively throughout the organization and with suppliers. 

  • Note who will be impacted by the technology and, therefore, need training.
  • Offer a clear place to go if people have questions.
  • Explain the purpose of the new technology.
  • Monitor how users are handling the technology and the common errors.

Related Blog Posts

The previous posts about the influence of 1) executives and 2) staff members are:

  1. Two issues plaguing B2B payments
  2. Staff members are a wildcard
Frustration with a technology project is more likely to occur if your organization does not do solid advance planning.

Frustration with a technology project is more likely to occur if your organization does not do solid advance planning.

AP Automation Advice

When it comes to AP automation, respondents to AP Now’s 2016 State of Invoice Processing Survey recommend:

  • Ensure you will have dedicated IT support throughout the project.
  • Try out/demo different solutions before committing to one.
  • Verify that all your applicable systems will be compatible with each other.
  • Anticipate that AP will receive a spike in questions until users are comfortable; plan staffing accordingly.
  • Be assertive with suppliers regarding rules for invoice submission.
  • Do a longer pilot period before rolling out to everyone. 

The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.
— Bill Gates

About the Author

Blog post author Lynn Larson, CPCP, is the founder of Recharged Education. With more than 15 years of Commercial Card experience, her mission is to make industry education readily accessible to all. Learn more

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