PRocedure Manual for a Program Manager/Admin.
Having no backup for the card program manager or administrator (PM/PA) is far too common, but it is critical for organizations to be prepared. If you are a PM/PA, one of the best things you can do is keep an electronic PM/PA procedure manual up to date. Ensure procedures for doing your job are current, clear, and accessible. Focus on documenting what is most important first, such as tasks and situations likely to arise in your absence. The content should complement—rather than duplicate—what is in the card program policies and procedures (P&P) manual available organization wide.
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Content to Include
Key contacts and their roles; for example, card issuer contacts, internal personnel who support the card program and, if applicable, vendor contacts that you work with regularly
Quick reference chart/table listing scheduled tasks executed daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually; include links to the procedures for each task that are located elsewhere within the manual
Organization spend limit—how to monitor and, if needed, temporarily increase
Program reporting—what you generate, when, why, and what to do with each report
Monitoring revenue share/rebate progress for the current year and whether the organization is maximizing its opportunity, per contract terms
Setting up a new cardholder/account
Resolving transaction declines
Making a temporary or permanent change to card limits/restrictions
Addressing accidental personal use of a P-Card
What to do if internal fraud is suspected
Accounting process for card transactions
Payments to the card issuer
Cancelling/closing a card
Since at any given time there could be more than one new cardholder and/or card cancellation in process, it can be very helpful to have checklists of the steps to ensure nothing gets missed for each one. With some planning, you can hopefully breathe a little easier while out.